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Our Studio

We develop bespoke specialist courses for individuals facing barriers to employment and professionals wishing to enhance their digital and sustainability skills.

Our best-in-class team of education specialists delivers innovative content tailored to the needs of your team or target group.

"Our job is to develop educational programs that prioritize the student and acknowledge the obstacles faced by the individuals we serve. We concentrate on workplace-relevant skills and combine self-directed learning with human-led personalized support to offer a distinctively engaging learning experience."

- Kamil, Content Engineer of Studio

Our Methodology 


  • Needs assessment: Identify skills and performance gaps - Instructional design: Develop learning programs, resources, and experiences

  • Curriculum development: Build structured courses and learning paths

  • Content creation: Produce interactive content, videos, simulations, role plays, etc.

  • Implementation and evaluation: Launch, improve and measure impact of learning solutions

  • Facilitator training: Develop skills for live online and in-person facilitation


  • Andragogy: Apply principles of adult learning for self-directed learning

  • Universal design: Create accessible and inclusive learning for all

  • Project-based: Use authentic challenges and problems to engage learners

  • Experiential: Provide opportunities for application, practice and real-world experiences


We leverage tools for learning, collaboration, content creation and live facilitation:

  • Learning Management Systems

  • Virtual Classrooms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc.)

  • Collaborative Workspaces (Miro, Padlet, etc.)

  • Content Authoring Tools (Articulate, Captivate, etc.)

  • Media Creation Tools

Case Study:
Green Digital Skills

INCO Academy, together with Microsoft and LinkedIn, have built a new online certificate to accelerate the global green workforce transition.

The Green Digital Skills Certificate program was developed by INCO's studio, leveraging best-in-class industry knowledge from Microsoft and LinkedIn. The result: an innovative online learning initiative addressing a critical workforce gap and empowering digital professionals with future-proof green skills.

Since launching, over 40,000 individuals have been certified in 140 countries, enabling them to lead in sustainable practices and drive meaningful change in their workplaces.

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